Let’s start with Nutrition. I chose nutrition because it is a perfect example of how our perceptions can change and evolve.  Is it true that You Are What You Eat?   I would say Yes, and No.  I believed this wholeheartedly when I began my certification process for becoming a Holistic Nutritional Counselor.  I have always been health minded, and like so many I became very focused on external sources to put in my body to achieve maximum health.  I created many meal plans for clients that focused on nutrient dense food ( both animal and plant based) combined with a regimen of supplements designed to help them heal and just feel better. This is undoubtedly a great start and still very effective for most everyone, for a while. What I quickly realized though is that any kind of ‘regimen’, especially a strict one, was not sustainable for most and did not lead to a true shift in consciousness that is vital to continuous healing.


As I myself continue to evolve on a conscious level, I started to realize that a more accurate statement is ‘You are What You THINK about What You Eat’, and that this is even more important than the actual substance that goes in your body.  Let me give you an extreme example that you will probably laugh at and call ridiculous.  Suppose you had no preconception of a Twinkie. You do not know what it is, how it was made, or anything at all about it.  A very well respected Dr. of Nutrition explains to you that it is one of the greatest superfoods available and that consuming it will do wonders for your health.  You BELIEVE this and eat this Twinkie.  And now the magic happens.


Your body also believes the Twinkie is a superfood and your cells (which are conscious) respond to this belief by converting every ingredient in the Twinkie into valuable nourishment.  That is how powerful your consciousness ( BELIEF) is!  And although I am certainly not endorsing a diet of Twinkies, I do recommend that if you are going to eat that cookie, then LOVE the cookie!  Your thoughts and enjoyment of that cookie will have a tremendous influence on how it is utilized by the body.  People just do not realize how much toxicity they create based on their obsession with only eating the ‘right’ foods.  This principle can be applied reversely as well.   Even if you eat the ‘perfect’ diet but are obsessive and not truly enjoying it, or denying yourself foods that you truly do enjoy, you are likely creating a toxic environment in your body.  You can find the balance!  And the beautiful thing is as you do you will no longer crave many of the ‘forbidden’ foods such as those that are highly processed - like Twinkies(!)  But you will also not deny the occasional pizza or bag of chips…or feel ‘guilt-ridden’ if you do..  


Fall in love with your body. I mean it.  There has been SO much ‘programming’ to convince us to turn against our bodies. It starts with being inundated with images and examples of the perfect, healthy and attractive body from the time we are very young.   Once we realize that we cannot possibly achieve this ideal we start the shaming;  “I’m too fat, I’m too skinny, my thighs are too big, my nose is too big”, and the list goes on...  And this is just one of the areas in which we start to berate ourselves.  What we don’t understand is that the cells that make up our body are conscious and listen to these messages.  What effect does that  dialogue truly have?  I was in high school during the ‘anorexia’ trend, and was absolutely convinced, even though I have never had a weight problem, that I was much too fat. It is crazy how mental conditioning can distort what you see in the mirror.  Luckily it was just a phase for me that I grew out of. But for many others it can become a lifelong disorder and even lead to death.  So often when we start to have physical problems instead of tuning IN and making a conscious connection with our body, we immediately look for the outside fix and our body becomes the scapegoat.  One of the most egregious examples of this is the diagnosis of Auto-immune disease. We are told that our immune system, for various reasons, is now attacking our own bodies.  What??  So I can’t even trust my own immune system?   Is it any wonder that we have become more and more disconnected from our bodies?  


The truth as I see it is that we are ‘perfectly imperfect’ and beautiful just the way we are.  There is immense innate wisdom that is stored in our bodies and we all have the ability to access that if we choose to.  Start by relaxing, laying down, closing your eyes, releasing your jaw and relaxing your tongue.  We all hold a great deal of tension in our jaw.  Now talk to your body as if it is your best friend, or even a great lover. Stroke it, soothe it, flatter it, and BELIEVE in it!  And if that seems silly and awkward, do it anyway!  I guarantee you that you will start to notice positive results.  And while you are in that space, encourage your masculine and feminine to make peace with each other. This will start the beautiful DANCE I described earlier.  Ask anyone who touts amazing testimony about healing their bodies and they will tell you that along with the physical regimen, they learned to love their bodies..


Now do you understand that proper nutrition is so much more than what you eat?  One of the reasons I am here is to help you with your nutritional goals.  I am trained and experienced  in this area and am ready to consult with you and create a meal and supplement plan that caters to your unique biology and situation, especially now that you have a bigger picture.  The plan I share with you will be more basic and simple than what other counselors may advise.  This is because I understand the role of your consciousness and do not believe in denying what you enjoy.  Instead, you will naturally change your affinity to certain foods that are good to your body and that also bring great enjoyment.    After you start this process, it will be up to YOU to make a conscious and empowering shift to love your body and continue the healing.  I promise you it will be worth it  :  )!